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I'm working on creating a print ad for an upcoming magazine advertisement and I'm trying to find or remember what font was used in the original Star Wars introduction when the words were scrolling across the screen in space, e.g. "A long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away...." I'm trying to reproduce that same effect for some bullet points in the ad.

I found this and I think the same font was used in the scrolling text.

I tried to run that through What The Font but the letters are too close together and I didn't get any matching results. Any suggestions on what that font might be would be appreciated.

  • 1
    Never mind. Found it. The font name is: Impact. Thank God for Character Map! — Mark Bowker
  • 0
    You have a fun job Mark. — Craig C.
  • 0
    Indeed I do. This is just one of the multiple tasks I have to do. (some aren't quite as fun lol). I don't consider myself a great graphics artist, but I learn a little more every time I try. I know I still have a lot to learn. — Mark Bowker
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3 Replies

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I was thinking Impact when I first read your initial post, but the example you gave wasn't that so I didn't post!

A few suggestions for your poster:

  1. Background darker (thus visually simpler) allowing lighter elements to be read more easily

  2. Star Wars scrolling text slightly larger

  3. Perspective on scrolling text could do with being redone - seems to be applied to each line individually at the moment

Well done though - should be good.

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Good job, ATNO. 🙂 Small sugestion, you should add perspective to the words just a bit. Stretch out the bottom portion of the layer so as to not make the top words any smaller.

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Great feedback guys and thanks. Yeah, I knew the perspective wasn't quite right (at least not quite the same as the actual "star wars" version), and I did play around with it abit, but I was constrained within a predefined area for the print ad and I couldn't quite achieve the effect without makeing the text look crappy. I did have some ideas while I was working on the garden tonight that I'll play around with tomorrow.

And thanks for the tip on darkening the background. As it is now, I generated it with POVRay and that's the exact way it came out. Never occurred to me to darken it up in PS. I'll remember that next time.

I'll play around with your ideas and repost a revised version soon. Unfortunately, I just found out about this ad on Friday and with a 3 day holiday weekend I was pressed for time. I needed to have it submitted by tomorrow so it went in as is. Forunately my Marketing VP and Sales manager love it, so that makes me happy. I'm not satisfied, but that's how I learn. Do and keep doing until it's right!

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