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Does anyone know why flash sites sometimes run fine on a PC but when you view it on a Mac it lags? When it does this it drives me crazy!

Is there some setting I'm missing that has it play normally for all platforms?

Does anyone know if publishing on a mac will solve this problem, maybe PCs can read a mac file better than a Mac can read a PC, (which is usually not the case.)

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    The format of the data is identical. A jpg is still a jpg whether it's produced on a PC or a Mac, same with MP3, MPG, and flash. — Axe
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4 Replies

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The flash plugin is wacky on a macky 😉

I don't know if it is a bug or just how Macs work, but there is an issue on macs where the movies actually run at a slower FPS rate than it is actually set to. I don't know if there is a way to fix it, if there is, I don't know it... sorry 😟

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    The slow down with flash sites is horrible! I work on Macs g4s (fairly new too) in my class and browsing flash web pages run like crap. I don't get these macs how are they better than pcs? In areas of graphic design and video, they seem kind of slow and crash a lot. Who knows? Don't get me started. — SycomCOmp
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If a program is running and you're not using the mouse, keyboard, hard disk, or CD-ROM/DVD-ROM discs, processor cycling can cause the program to slow. For example, Macromedia Flash animations, which run entirely from RAM, may become choppy due to processor cycling.

Applications originally built for Macintosh OS 9.1 or earlier should be launched in what Apple refers to as Classic Mode. Classic Mode is used to describe Mac OS 9.1 when it is launched within Mac OS X. Classic Mode is launched if the application you are running is not Carbonized for Mac OS X. Carbonized is the term used to describe applications that run natively on Mac OS X.

This brings up a good point. What version of flash is on the Mac?

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    The mac version of flash when I right-clicked was 7. — SycomCOmp
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    That was sort of my question. What operating system is on the Apple computer (Macintosh 7, 8, or 8 / Mac OS 10.1, 10.2, or 10.3)? What version of flash is that computer using? If the Apple is running Mac OS 10.x, is the flash native of running in compatibility mode? — rjmthezonenet
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    Well, I work on high-end G4s at work with 1/2 a gig of ram and the most current version of Flash, 7 I'm pretty sure. I guess all the hype about Macs having a larger bus really doesn't matter when it cant even run flash. Regardless, I've closed all programs and everything, and it's still just choppy. I even tried it on Netscape, Safari, and IE. Macs anger me! 😠 — intrepid design
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It has nothing to do with mac, it's Macromedia's fault for not developing a more efficient version of their own plugin. Macs are clearly proven to be superior to PCs for graphics and publications, but it's not really related here.

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    I agree with macs being superior to PCs for graphics/publications/video editing and what have you. But if you think about it, have Macs really held up in viewing websites? I know I used to work hard at getting my sites to work in IE/NS, etc on a PC, then I would view it at school on a Mac and there would be crap wrong with it. Granted, that was like 2 years ago and Macs have come a long way since then with Safari and browsers of the like. But from my experience, Macs do have issues with web pages. — lostinbeta
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    See, now I use that argument for Linux all the time "It's nothing to do with Linux, it's the programmer's fault for not writing a *nix binary" 😉 — Axe
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Given that Photoshop, Illustrator (and many other apps) can do exactly the same things on the PC that they can on the Mac, that graphics card manufacturers are releasing both PC & Mac versions of their graphics cards with identical specs for each, and that the same SVGA monitors can be used on both PCs & Macs, how is one better than the other any more?

I'll agree that once, Mac kicked the PC's ass all day n' night long when it came to graphics, but is there really a difference now besides cost?

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    One of my buddies and PHP programmer uses a mac, and I use him to test out all my pages with all 3 of his machines. He has an older one, a newer G4, and a Powerbook. I guess I'm just that good that I rarely have problems with my pages other than flash running slow. 😉 — UNFLUX
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    Maybe, or it could of been that 2 years ago my HTML skills were shizite! 😉 — lostinbeta
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