I'm going to be putting a mini golf in my backyard. The gophers have destroyed the lawn, so I am going to cover it with astroturf and a few putting holes.
I will post pics as time progresses.
0Awesome! 😁 You need a Bill Murray avatar. — joebert
0I always dreamed to put mini golf on my backyard, but I have no spot to place it. — Samuraii
0Man, I love this thread. I can't wait to see how this turns out. 👍 — digitalMedia
0Just finished reading from beginning to end. Very nice work. It is always nice to someone's ideas become reality. — 2Direct
0The idea is very good. One of my friends made a mini-golf course for her house and ordered her outfits with online shopping. Every day of the evening, in the summer, with their kids, they go to their backyard and enjoy the whole thing. The kids play the game and love it! — howard_moore
0I want to have one in my backyard too! — Roulette73