Here is everything finally. Fully recursive collapsable menu system. If you think I can improve on it then please let me know as I still think there is a better way to do it. My PHP skills are still pretty ropey as I come from a CF background... but ho hum here it is...
mysql_select_db($database_eggbox, $eggbox);
/* get the home page at start*/
$query_default_url = "select * from menu where menu_text = 'Home' order by menu_display_order";
$default_url = mysql_query($query_default_url, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_default_url = mysql_fetch_assoc($default_url);
$totalRows_default_url = mysql_num_rows($default_url);
if (isset($_GET['menu_id'])) {
$urlmenu_id = $_GET['menu_id'];
} else {
$urlmenu_id = $row_default_url['menu_id'];
/////////////////////* functions */////////////////////////////
if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
$theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
switch ($theType) {
case "text":
$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
case "long":
case "int":
$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
case "double":
$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
case "date":
$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
case "defined":
$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
return $theValue;
/* get breadcrumb function */
function getbreadcrumb($arraycount,$parentmenuid){
/* get the current level menu */
global $database_eggbox, $eggbox, $urlmenu_id, $array_menu;
$query_last_breadcrumb = "select * from menu where menu_id = $parentmenuid order by menu_display_order";
$last_breadcrumb = mysql_query($query_last_breadcrumb, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_last_breadcrumb = mysql_fetch_assoc($last_breadcrumb);
$totalRows_last_breadcrumb = mysql_num_rows($last_breadcrumb);
$array_menu[$arraycount][0] = $row_last_breadcrumb['menu_id'];
$array_menu[$arraycount][1] = $row_last_breadcrumb['page_id'];
$array_menu[$arraycount][2] = $row_last_breadcrumb['menu_text'];
$array_menu[$arraycount][3] = $row_last_breadcrumb['menu_parent_menu_id'];
if($array_menu[$arraycount][0] != "") {
if($arraycount == count){
echo $array_menu[$arraycount][2];
} else {
$menuid = $array_menu[$arraycount][0];
echo "<li><a href='index.php?menu_id=$menuid' title='opens in same window' target='_self' >" . $array_menu[$arraycount][2] . "</a> : </li>";
} // end function
/* get menu functions */
function getmenu($menu_level,$menuid){
/* get the top most level menu */
global $database_eggbox, $eggbox, $urlmenu_id, $array_menu;
$query_top_menu = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $menuid and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$top_menu = mysql_query($query_top_menu, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_top_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($top_menu);
$totalRows_top_menu = mysql_num_rows($top_menu);
if ($menu_level == 0) { // Top menu for nav bar only
echo "<ul>";
do {
$menuid = $row_top_menu['menu_id'];
if($urlmenu_id == $menuid) {
$selectedclass = "class='selected'";
} else {
$selectedclass = "";
if($row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'] != "") {
// Alternative location like google
if(substr($row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'],0,4) == "http") { $menuurl = $row_top_menu['menu_alt_location']; } else { $menuurl = "http://" . $row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'];}
$title = "opens in new window";
$target = "_blank";
} else {
// site menu
$menuurl = "index.php?menu_id=$menuid";
$title = "opens in same window";
$target = "_self";
} // End if
echo "<li><a href='$menuurl' title='$target' target='$target' $selectedclass >" . $row_top_menu['menu_text'] . "</a></li>";
} while ($row_top_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($top_menu));
echo "</ul>";
} elseif ($menu_level == 1) {
if($totalRows_top_menu > 0) { // full side menu and you don't want a top menu
echo "<ul>";
$count = 0;
do {
$menuid = $row_top_menu['menu_id'];
if($urlmenu_id == $menuid) {
$selectedclass = "class='selected'";
} else {
$selectedclass = "";
if($row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'] != "") {
// Alternative location like google
if(substr($row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'],0,4) == "http") { $menuurl = $row_top_menu['menu_alt_location']; } else { $menuurl = "http://" . $row_top_menu['menu_alt_location'];}
$title = "opens in new window";
$target = "_blank";
} else {
// Site menu
$menuurl = "index.php?menu_id=$menuid";
$title = "opens in same window";
$target = "_self";
} // End if
echo "<li><a href='$menuurl' title='$title' target='$target' >" . $row_top_menu['menu_text'] . "</a>";
$query_has_children = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $menuid and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$has_children = mysql_query($query_has_children, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_has_children = mysql_fetch_assoc($has_children);
$totalRows_has_children = mysql_num_rows($has_children);
if($totalRows_has_children > 0 && $array_menu[sizeof($array_menu)-2][0] == $menuid){
echo "</li>";
} else {
echo "</li>";
$count += 1;
} while ($row_top_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($top_menu));
echo "</ul>";
} // End if
} elseif ($menu_level == 2) { // Second level menu based on top level menu
if($totalRows_top_menu > 0) {
$count = 0;
do {
$menuid = $row_top_menu['menu_id'];
$query_has_children = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $menuid and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$has_children = mysql_query($query_has_children, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_has_children = mysql_fetch_assoc($has_children);
$totalRows_has_children = mysql_num_rows($has_children);
if($totalRows_has_children > 0 && $array_menu[sizeof($array_menu)-2][0] == $menuid){
$count += 1;
} while ($row_top_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($top_menu));
} // End if
} // End if function for menu levels
} // End Function
function getchildren ($menuid,$count,$count_level) {
/* get the next level menu */
global $database_eggbox, $eggbox, $urlmenu_id, $array_menu;
$query_child_menu = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $menuid and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$child_menu = mysql_query($query_child_menu, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_child_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($child_menu);
$totalRows_child_menu = mysql_num_rows($child_menu);
do {
if($count == 0) {
echo "<ul>";
$menuidd = $row_child_menu['menu_id'];
if($urlmenu_id == $menuidd) {
$selectedclass = "class='selected'";
} else {
$selectedclass = "";
if($row_child_menu['menu_alt_location'] != "") {
// Alternative location like google
if(substr($row_child_menu['menu_alt_location'],0,4) == "http") { $menuurl = $row_child_menu['menu_alt_location']; } else { $menuurl = "http://" . $row_child_menu['menu_alt_location'];}
$title = "opens in new window";
$target = "_blank";
} else {
// site menu
$menuurl = "index.php?menu_id=$menuidd";
$title = "opens in same window";
$target = "_self";
} // End if
echo "<li><a href='$menuurl' title='$title' target='$target' $selectedclass >" . $row_child_menu['menu_text'] . "</a>";
$query_has_childrens = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $menuidd and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$has_childrens = mysql_query($query_has_childrens, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_has_childrens = mysql_fetch_assoc($has_childrens);
$totalRows_has_childrens = mysql_num_rows($has_childrens);
if($totalRows_has_childrens > 0 && $array_menu[sizeof($array_menu)-$count_level][0] == $menuidd){
echo "</li>";
} else {
echo "</li>";
if($count+1 == $totalRows_child_menu) {
echo "</ul>";
$count += 1;
} while ($row_child_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($child_menu));
} // end function
/* get content */
$query_page_info = "select menu_id, pages.* from pages inner join menu on pages.page_id = menu.page_id where menu.menu_id = $urlmenu_id";
$page_info = mysql_query($query_page_info, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_page_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_info);
$totalRows_page_info = mysql_num_rows($page_info);
function getcontent($content){
global $row_page_info;
$content = $row_page_info[$content];
return $content;
} // End function
function getcolumns() {
global $database_eggbox, $eggbox, $row_page_info, $urlmenu_id;
$query_top_top_menu = "select * from menu where menu_parent_menu_id = $urlmenu_id and menu_display = 1 order by menu_display_order";
$top_top_menu = mysql_query($query_top_top_menu, $eggbox) or die(mysql_error());
$row_top_top_menu = mysql_fetch_assoc($top_top_menu);
$totalRows_top_top_menu = mysql_num_rows($top_top_menu);
if($row_page_info['page_lhs_content'] == "" && $row_page_info['page_rhs_content'] == "" && $totalRows_top_top_menu == 0) {
$collhsrhs = "-noLHSRHS";
} elseif($row_page_info['page_rhs_content'] == "" ) {
$collhsrhs = "-noRHS";
} elseif ($row_page_info['page_lhs_content'] == "" || $row_top_top_menu == 0) {
$collhsrhs = "-noLHS";
} else {
$collhsrhs = "";
return $collhsrhs;