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ok, i have my own small network(adsl, with a router). i run 2 computers off of it, a newer system with win me, and a older system with win 95. recently the one with win me has stopped connecting to internet. completely. i can still get network, but not internet, im pretty proficient with my comp, ive already tried removing network adapter and reinstalling it, along with my protocols. still nothing. tried a full deletion of winsock stuff from registry, along with remote access, and then removed all network adapters and protocols and clients and everything, restarted, still nothing. i tried all this when connected to just the dsl modem itself, still nothing. im going mad here, someone PLZ HELP ME!

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14 Answers

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For the computer that cannot connect to the Internet, are you able to ping outside IP addresses? Like can you ping this address:

If the answer is no see if you can ping this:

Let us know what happens.

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ya, my isp has disabled all icpm or icmp (however the hell ya spell it) and ping traffic, cuz of the blaster virus

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Hmm, well that sucks then, that would have helped determine if your problem was related to DNS or not. Okay try this:

With the computer that does not have the working Internet go here:

and let me know if you get any kind of webpage at all, or if you get the Server Not Found page.

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btw, i can get an ip, and in winipcfg everything seems to be fine. GAH, ok this is wierd, it tried to use the thingy, and a box popped up sayin ie cud not open the search page.

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Your IP for your computer isn't the same as the other computer on the network is it? Also is the IP given to your computers on your network through DHCP or did you manually set them up?

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um, the comp with win me isnt showing me an external ip, different internal ip's tho and yes i used dhcp

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I am having a similiar problem. I can ping I have checked Ip's and none are the same. I have 4 pc's in my netowrk. 3 work while 1 doesn't, the 1 that doesn't connect to the net can connect to the network but i remain confused on why i cannot access the internet from it.

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go to wireless connection properties and check the TCP/IP properties.

Sounds like could be a DNS issue.

Are IP and DNS servers both chosen to select automatically? If not, try that.

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OK I am having the same problem. I have 5 computers that can connect, but only one that can't. It says it is connected. When I plug it in the router it says it is connected to the LAN, it sees the wireless router and says it is connected. But I can not get any type of internet connection through multiple applications..

I tried to ping, but lost all 4 packets

couln't find

I set up everything to auto detect ip and DNS but when I am in my cmd prompt and type ipconfig I don't see a default gateway or a dns suffix, i see a an IP and subnet mask, but not the other two..

I tried to release my ip and renew it, but got an error when i tried to renew it.. not really sure what to do next...

oh yeah.. did have a corporate antivirus software from either 2005 and 2006, but can not update virus definations because can't connect to internet..

Help please

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Hi, have you had any solution on this? I have the same problem. Please let me know. Thanks!

OK I am having the same problem. I have 5 computers that can connect, but only one that can't. It says it is connected. When I plug it in the router it says it is connected to the LAN, it sees the wireless router and says it is connected. But I can not get any type of internet connection through multiple applications..

I tried to ping, but lost all 4 packets

couln't find

I set up everything to auto detect ip and DNS but when I am in my cmd prompt and type ipconfig I don't see a default gateway or a dns suffix, i see a an IP and subnet mask, but not the other two..

I tried to release my ip and renew it, but got an error when i tried to renew it.. not really sure what to do next...

oh yeah.. did have a corporate antivirus software from either 2005 and 2006, but can not update virus definations because can't connect to internet..

Help please

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I've been having these problems recently and after days of searching I came across this and it cured all my connection problems.

Hope this helps.

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I have the similar problem too. One of the computers in my network cannot connect to the internet. There are ten computers total. The one in question is connected through an ordinary USB-cable-network router to the outlet on the wall. I have one more computer connected to that router which works fine. The computer which has problem has not been turned on for a week.

When I turned on, it could not connect to internet. I got a message saying Norton is blocking the traffic. The Norton in this machine has expired and I have not renewed it. I wanted to uninstall it but forgot. Now it is not allowing me to uninstall or connecting the internet to the machine. What is the solution

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I have a friend with a 4 computer network at his small company, 3 computer can access the internet but 1 cannot, the one can connect to the other computers and acesss everything just cannot connect to the internet.

I went over there and the computer has to obtain DHCP And DNS automatically, the ip address, subnet mask, and dns all seem to be right. It is sending and recieving packets.

They have Zone Alarm and he said this morning a box popped up saying something was detected since then could not access the internet.

Can anyone help me out? I would appreciate it

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My problem is pretty much the same:
I have a wi-fi internet connection, which is working perfectly on my home base desktop.
But when a friend is bringing his laptop at my place, and wants to connect to my wifi connection, he find my local network on the mapping, write down the password and connect. But he only has a limited connectivity. He can't even get to my sharing folder, cannot detect my drive or anything, but it says that there's a connection, although restricted.
Why is it like that?
Even my PS3 can connect to my sharing folder, and can also go to the internet to download or surf online.
Can someone help me please?
It's really annoying to not being able to have a proper connectivity!
Thank you...!

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