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As the topic description says i would like to remove the white background of a jpeg image, preferbly transparent.

Anyone knows how to accomplish this, if this is not possible because i read somewhere jpeg doesn't support transparency is there any option to trace the contour of the image that i have and in a way cut away the white background ending up with the image.

I hope someone can help me out on this one 😟

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8 Answers

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Good question.... I would like to know this answer too!

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Well, for the both of you, you would have to save the image as a PNG or GIF (there are others but these are easier to use) to retain a clear background.

It would be helpful if you would show us the image in the future, for now I will just assume the background is totally white (#FFF) with no variations and I assume you have photoshop (if not download the trial).

Open the file in PS (photoshop).
Double click on the layer in the layers palette on the right hand side of the screen by default.
Click OK on the box that comes up.
Grab the magic wand tool and click on the white background.
Hit Delete on your keyboard.
Hit Ctrl + D on your keyboard.
Hit Ctrl + Shift + S on your keyboard and select CompuServe (*.gif) in the File Type dropdown.
Select the folder and name of the file and hit save!

You are done. If you are confused by any of this let me know, or you can look around on tutorial sites and try to learn more about photoshop.

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Thanks Truce for helping us out with this....I know when i change the image to GIF i loose quality of the colors, in a way the overall aperence so if i change this to PNG will this effect the quality of the colors and overall look?

If so what other kind of format can i use to hold the same quality of the image.

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You will just have to save it as a high quality GIF image. Png will do the same.

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Guy has bunch of tutorials on extracting pictures. You just have to equip yourself with a little patience. If you do that you'll be good to go.

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There are Photoshop filters for eliminating white and eliminating black. If the background is the only thing that is white thane use the filter and save a lot of time and the quality of the image. Save as a .png if you want to preserve the image quality.

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:58 pm Post subject:
There are Photoshop filters for eliminating white and eliminating black. If the background is the only thing that is white thane use the filter and save a lot of time and the quality of the image. Save as a .png if you want to preserve the image quality.

Very interesting, i have saved the file as Truce reconmended to CompuServe(*.gif) but when saving to this type of format i loose quality of the image, the image itself is a comic like image and has to be saved in PNG because JPEG doesn't support transparency.

Could you or somebody else for that matter tell me where i can find these filters and how are they exactly called, what is the exact name of these filters?

By the way Truce, everything worked out fine except for the image quality that i lost when saving to the CompuServe(.gif) format, i have tried to save it to PNG.
I have followed your instructions and then instead of saving it to CompuServe(
.gif), i saved it to PNG because i thought this would probably give me a better image quality but unfortunately it didn't give me a transparent background altough PNG should supposedly support transparency. So for now i have used the CompuServe(*.gif) but the more i look at it, the more i think this can be better 😟

Maybe i am, well most certainly i am doing something wrong and don't know what it is, some extra pointers would be very helpfull 😎 .

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Please guys, don't leave me out to dry on this one 😢 🙂 i am so close in getting the result i am after.

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