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Most people talk about building the website and getting things running but never look at backups.

I was originally thinking about using PHP to connect to MySQL and dump the data locally, but after reading a little others suggest using cron jobs and running the mysqldump command directly bypassing PHP. The only reason I wanted PHP in the middle was to write logging events to keep an eye on things. Email alerts work just as well but more to the question at hand:

What would be some best practices for handling regular backups of files and databases?

I'm sure someone has worked out something more interesting than a direct dump locally.

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I actually do this already via a direct dump as you mentioned. A cron runs for daily, weekly, and monthly which dumps the database and uploads it to Amazon AWS (externally) so that there is always a backup available, and multiple versions just in case the latest backups are the corrupted version you no longer want.

Here is the shell script I use that is executed via cron job:


NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")

if [ "$1" = 'weekly' ]
elif [ "$1" = 'monthly' ]

/usr/bin/mysqldump -u username -p database > $NOW-$FILENAME
/usr/bin/gzip -f $NOW-$FILENAME.gz
/usr/bin/s3cmd put $NOW-$FILENAME.gz s3://your-bucket-name/$PATH/
/usr/bin/rm $NOW-$FILENAME.gz

Your crontab for having this script execute might look like this:

45 0 * * * /path/to/ daily
45 1 * * 0 /path/to/ weekly
45 2 15 * * /path/to/ monthly

Explanation of the cron for each respective line number:

  1. Runs daily at 12:45 am
  2. Runs weekly on Sunday at 1:45 am
  3. Runs monthly on the 15th of the month at 2:45 am.

The first argument for the script (daily, weekly, monthly) will help determine how it is stored in Amazon S3, it will make sense if you analyze how the script is written. Thus you will need an Amazon S3 bucket setup, in this example its called your-bucket-name, and then the respective folders: daily, weekly, monthly:

Amazon S3 Bucket and backup folders

You can set up lifecycle rules with Amazon S3 to only keep a certain number of backups to suit your needs for how long you want to retain the data. Here is an example of the rules I have setup:

Amazon S3 Lifecycle Rules

In each rule, I check the box to Expire current versions of objects, and then set to expire after a number of days:

Amazon S3 Lifecycle Actions and Expiration Days

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