Hypertext Markup Language which is a standard markup languaged used for creating web pages or web applications.
The Different Types of Fonts
1votes1comment11.7kviews -
Classes and OOP (Part 6)
0votes0comments9.7kviews -
Classes and OOP (Part 5)
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Classes and OOP (Part 4)
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Classes and OOP (Part 3)
0votes0comments4.6kviews -
Classes and OOP (Part 2)
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Slicing Images with PhotoShop CS6 | PSD to HTML
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Using Simple Forms to INSERT data into SQL DB
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JS PopUp Colorboxes
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JavaScript Confirm box
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Simple JS Date Button explained
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Watermarked Text Boxes in HTML Forms
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Sending Email VIA SMTP
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How To Check If You Have A Google Suspicious Site
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Obfuscated iFrame Injection Attacks
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Website Basic Protection and Security Steps
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Website Protection Against iFrame Injections
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Menu Hierarchies and Breadcrumbs
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Learning PHP (Part 1)
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Pointer and references in functions
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Pointers and references
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Introduction to Windows PowerShell 1.0
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Random Adsense Layouts
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Photo-realism Techniques in Ray Tracing
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How to Make a Container
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5-Star Ratings Using 1 Image and CSS
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Image Overlay
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Basic Python File I/O
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Pass A Variable Num. of Args to a Python Function
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Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
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Classes and OOP (Part 1)
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Basic PHP Templating mechanism
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Photoshop Slice Tool Pt. II
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Photoshops Slice Tool Pt. I
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Footprinting: An Overview of Information Gathering
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Creating a hover effect on elements using CSS
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Dynamic Adsense Unit Sizes
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Web Development & Design Security Overview
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Pass Variable Num. of Arguments to a PHP Function
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Pass Variable Number of Arguments to a C Function
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The Magic of __toString()
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Fully Functional Simple Template Engine (Usage)
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Fully Functional Simple Template Engine (Cont'd)
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Getting two similar sized columns (All CSS)
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Making a DIV 0px high - IE6 bug
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Getting two floated divs the same height with CSS
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Content Containers with Rounded Corners
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Expand/collapse blocks and navigation trees
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Writing a Custom printf() Wrapper Function in C
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Making Troubleshooting a bit easier